Debunking the Myths of Affordable Housing

The Affordable Housing Crisis

The U.S. is currently undergoing a major housing crisis with only 37 affordable rentals available for every 100 low-income household resulting in a deficit of 7 million affordable homes. These statistics are staggering and have contributed to growing wealth inequalities across the country. The creation and preservation of affordable housing will be paramount to solving the housing affordability crisis for those in need. The root of the current housing shortage can be traced back to the Great Recession when new construction starts declined sharply. This downturn not only pushed potential homebuyers out of the market, but also exerted upward pressure on rental prices.

Kairos Real Estate Impact Strategy

The Kairos Real Estate Impact Strategy (“Kimpact”), an impact fund structured to generate financial returns through affordable housing investments, presents a solution to the current affordable housing crisis. Kimpact purchases, owns, and manages affordable housing, including Low-Income Tax Credit (LIHTC), self-regulated market rate, manufactured housing, and 55+ communities in secondary and fast growth markets throughout the U.S. The impact strategy goes beyond offering quality affordable housing as a means to affect positive change in tenants’ lives; it also strives to make a significant environmental and social impact through initiatives such as water conservation, energy efficiency, waste reduction improvements, and resident programs based on the demographics of tenants and their specific needs.

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